Every thing is produced in house in our Yorkshire factory, bespoke to each customer.
Nothing is off the shelve
Mix and match the base product with different flooring designs, textures & colours to design your unique flooring with out comprising on quality and a durable finish.
Every thing is produced in house in our Yorkshire factory, bespoke to each customer.
Nothing is off the shelve
Mix and match the base product with different flooring designs, textures & colours to design your unique flooring with out comprising on quality and a durable finish.

Our Elite collection is our most extensive, offering 54 different formats of flooring meaning we have the ability to finish any style, size, grade, texture, bevel & colour.
The options are endless!
100mm, 140mm, 180mm, 220mm, 260mm, 300mm in
16/4mm or 20/6mm
Rustic, Nature & Prime.
600 x 120mm or 500 x 100mm in 16/4mm or 20/6mm Rustic or Nature
Chevron, Mansion & Basket Weave to order from our mill.
Please enquire for lead times.
This collection is based on select grade but after popular demand we now stock a rustic. Along with the plank we also offer a matching Herringbone, Chevron & Mansion Weave.
220 x 16/4mm x 1.9m Select or Rustic,
190mm x 16/4mm x 1.9m Rustic,
300mm x 19/4mm x 3m Select
600 x 120 x 16/4mm Select or Rustic
350 x 70 x 16/4mm Select
350 x 70 x 16/4mm Rustic Tumbled
480 x 120 x 16/4mm Select 16/4mm Select
Mansion Weave
284 x 190mm Polygons & Trapezoids 268 x 67mm Brushed Select
Our most competitive priced collection. Available in a brushed 190mm plank in rustic grade. We have selected 15 stunning colours in this range. However we can offer selected colours from the Elite or Core range
190 x 16/4mm x 1.9m Rustic
190 x 14/3mm x 1.9m Rustic